Women and Men After Christendom The Dis-Ordering of Gender Relationships【電子書籍】[ Fran Porter ]

Women and Men After Christendom The Dis-Ordering of Gender Relationships【電子書籍】[ Fran Porter ]

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<p>This book explores the way that gender relationships changed under Christendom and then after Christendom, challenging us to rethink gender relations in both church and society. Fran Porter goes beyond the personal aspects of gender identity to structural, philosophical and theological considerations; and offers a paradigm for gender relationships different to the oppositional models that currently prevail.</p> <p>"This is an accessible read about the complex topic of gender, Christendom and post Christendom. For those seeking to explore the history of gender relationships in the church from the first century this is an excellent introduction."<br /> Dianne Tidball, East Midland Baptist Association, UK</p> <p>"Through careful handling of the argument, Fran Porter helps us to glimpse that vision of what the new community of Christ, the new kin-work he inaugurated, could look like - and how the church, in the way she is in the world, can be radical good news for men and women everywhe...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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