A Taste of Australia Bite-Sized Travels Across a Sunburned Country【電子書籍】[ Alistair McGuinness ]

A Taste of Australia Bite-Sized Travels Across a Sunburned Country【電子書籍】[ Alistair McGuinness ]

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<p>“Alone and afraid, I shook my head in astonishment and tried to sum up the situation. This had to be the most dangerous tourist attraction in Australia, yet there were no disclaimer forms to fill in?no friendly guides to offer advice?no ropes to hold on to?and no adrenaline junkies waiting in line. It was just me?halfway up the tallest climbing tree in the world?holding on for dear life!”</p> <p>Renowned for its ice-cold beers, endless summers, deadly creatures and friendly locals, Alistair was keen to discover the people and places that make Australia one of the most popular travel destinations in the world. These escapades have taken him to the top of Sydney Harbour Bridge and into the searing outback, foraging for bushtucker with an Aboriginal guide. Along the way, he’s experienced the boom and bust of Kalgoorlie, where heat and dust are a way of life and everyone in town knows the price of gold. From the wilds of Tasmania to the bustling laneways of Melbourne and laid-back vibe ...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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