Encyclopaedic Biographies Of World Great Fiction Authors【電子書籍】[ Ranjit Kumar ]

Encyclopaedic Biographies Of World Great Fiction Authors【電子書籍】[ Ranjit Kumar ]

(税込) (送料込) (カード利用可)


<p>Fiction is any form of narrative which deals, in part or in whole, with events that are not factual, but rather, imaginary and invented by its author(s). Although fiction often describes a major branch of literary work, it is also applied to theatrical, cinematic, documental, and musical work. in contrast to this is non-fiction, which deals exclusively in factual events (e.9.: biographies, histories). Semi-fiction is fiction implementing a great deal of non-fiction, e.g. a fictional description based on a true story. Traditionally, fiction includes novels, short stories, fables, fairy tales, plays, poetry, but it now also encompasses films, comic books, and video games. A whole branch of literature crossing entertainment and science speculation is Science fiction. Ales common similar cross is the philosophical fiction. hybridizing fiction and philosophy, thereby often crossing the border towards propaganda fiction. These kinds of fictions constitute thought experiments exploring con...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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