Perth, Western Australia & the Outback【電子書籍】[ Holly Smith ]

Perth, Western Australia & the Outback【電子書籍】[ Holly Smith ]

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<p>Following is an excerpt from this extensive & highly detailed guide by a lifetime resident of Australia. The guide covers all the hotels, restaurants, sights to see and activities, from beachgoing to hiking, kayaking to exploring the Outback and the cultural attractions. Australias largest state takes up nearly a third of the continent, filling some 2,525,250 square kilometers with a diverse mix of extreme and wonderful landscapes. The balmy seaside capital of Perth and its thriving southern suburb of Fremantle, where 1.4 of the states 1.8 million residents live, are spread along Australias southwest edge, just north of the Cape Naturaliste hook. South of here, lush river valleys and coastal parks stretch east for more than 1,620 km, while north of Perth, along the rough edge of the Indian Ocean, towns are far and few, with vast natural parklands coloring in the empty spaces between them. The countrys westernmost town, Coral Bay, lies halfway up the coast, from where the land cuts b...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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