The Autocratic Parliament Power and Legitimacy in Egypt, 1866-2011【電子書籍】[ Irene Weipert-Fenner ]

The Autocratic Parliament Power and Legitimacy in Egypt, 1866-2011【電子書籍】[ Irene Weipert-Fenner ]

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<p>When protests erupted in response to the 2010 Egyptian parliament elections that were widely viewed as fraudulent, many wondered. Why now? Voters had never witnessed free and fair elections in the past, so why did these elicit such an outcry? To answer this question, Weipert-Fenner conducted the first study of politics in modern Egypt from a parliamentary perspective. Contrary to the prevailing opinion that autocratic parliaments are meaningless, token institutions, Weipert-Fenner’s long-term analysis shows that parliament can be an indicator, catalyst, and agent of change in an authoritarian regime.</p> <p>Comparing parliamentary dynamics over decades, Weipert-Fenner demonstrates that autocratic parliaments can grow stronger within a given political system. They can also become contentious when norms regarding policies, political actors, and institutions are violated on a large scale and/or at a fast pace. Most importantly, a parliament can even turn against the executive when parl...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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