Doing Italians...oops...Italy【電子書籍】[ Delusional Divas ]

Doing Italians...oops...Italy【電子書籍】[ Delusional Divas ]

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<p>Mama said there'd be days like this, not a whole lifetime. Dena, a stay-at-home mom with mountain lions for neighbors, and best friend Shelby, a bespectacled law librarian living in the Big Apple are Baby Boomers in the throes of midlife meltdowns. Then Giancarlo, the man who has haunted Shelby's dreams for six years, calls. Suddenly, lives of romance and adventure seem possible. Using a little delusion, the ladies become the Divas and set off for the Land of the Boot, Shelby to rekindle her romance and Dena to kindle whatever she can. Come along on the humorous yet bittersweet journey of the Delusional Divas and see how two ordinary women's travels becomes a journey of self-discovery, changing their lives forever....and how just maybe, their experience can change yours too. How? By a time honored Diva Do/Don't:<br /> When the reality of life gets you down,<br /> DO use delusion to turn it around!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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