Born on January 10th【電子書籍】[ Light of Esotaria ]

Born on January 10th【電子書籍】[ Light of Esotaria ]

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<p>Sherry Kenworthy is a creative writer, a metaphysical teacher and someone who enjoys promoting self-discovery. She's the author of the <em>Light of Esotaria</em> eBooks. This is a quick read for those who have little to no understanding of astrology or numerology.</p> <p>There is a lot we can learn about ourselves, as individuals, during our lifetime. Self-discovery is the name of the game.</p> <p>The <em>Friends & Lovers</em> reading is designed to help everyone understand who their best friends could potentially be. Who might you experience an incredibly enjoyable romantic relationship with?</p> <p>Are you comfortable with the word soulmate?</p> <p>The first and most important person you can love is yourself. When you develop self-love, you make it easier for other people to love you. Certain people in your life will 'mirror' the energy you're projecting.</p> <p>The birthday information included in this reading could be used as a manifestation tool along with the universal law of ...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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