The Downfall of Abba Hillel Silver and the Foundation of Israel【電子書籍】[ Ofer Shiff ]

The Downfall of Abba Hillel Silver and the Foundation of Israel【電子書籍】[ Ofer Shiff ]

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<p>In early February 1949, American Jewry’s most popular and powerful leader, Abba Hillel Silver (1893?1963), had summarily resigned from all his official positions within the Zionist movement and had left New York for Cleveland, returning to his post as a Reform rabbi. During the second half of the 1940s, Silver was the most outspoken proponent of the founding of a sovereign Jewish state. He was the most instrumental American Jewish leader in the political struggle that led to the foundation of the State of Israel. Paradoxically, this historic victory also heralded Silver’s personal defeat.</p> <p>Soon after Israel’s declaration of independence, Silver and many of his American Zionist colleagues were relegated to the sidelines of the Zionist movement. Almost overnight, the influential leaderーone who had been admired and feared by supporters and opponentsーwas stripped of his power within both the Zionist and the American Jewish arenas.</p> <p>Shiff’s book discerns the various aspects o...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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