Travel: 12 Rules for America【電子書籍】[ Danny Kessler ]

Travel: 12 Rules for America【電子書籍】[ Danny Kessler ]

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<p>Travel: 12 Rules for America brings the lessons of Danny Kessler into comprehensive book form. This book is written as a guide for Koreans who have decided to travel, study, or live in the United States. You (or your parents) are spending a lot of money to go to America. This experience is an investment in your future, and this book is about maximizing that investment.</p> <p>Traveling and living in another part of the world is one of the most significant and unforgettable experiences you will ever have, but it is also an experience that requires preparation and education. The culture you will be exposed to is just as important to understand as the language; however, every year thousands of Koreans invest millions of hours in learning English with virtually no time invested in understanding the cultures in which they will be using it. In this book, you will learn:</p> <p>Basic travel tips to save money, stay safe and be stress-free.</p> <p>How to fit in and avoid offending people th...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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