The Reception of George Eliot in Europe【電子書籍】

The Reception of George Eliot in Europe【電子書籍】

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<p>George Eliot (born Mary Ann Evans, 1819-1880) was one of the most important writers of the European nineteenth century, as well as a pioneering translator of challenging and controversial Continental thinkers, and an influential editor and essayist. Although such novels of provincial life as <em>Adam Bede</em>, <em>The Mill on the Floss</em> and <em>Middlemarch</em> have seen her characterised as a thoroughly English writer, her reception and immersion in the literary, intellectual and political life of Europe was remarkable. Written by a team of leading international scholars, <em>The Reception of George Eliot in Europe</em> is the first comprehensive and systematic survey of Eliot's place in European culture. Exploring Eliot's deep knowledge of German literature and thought, her galvanizing influence on women novelists and translators in countries as diverse as Sweden and Spain, her travels in Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, the Czech Lands, Italy, and Spain and her friend...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る

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